On Valentine’s Day we wanted to try a little coffee shop we had been told was delightful just a few blocks further than our ‘usual” breakfast place! I had suffered from major indigestion the day before, laying in bed all day while Jeremie took the kids out for lunch and then worked with them on their school work... doing the part I don’t like a whole lot like sounding out letters and vowels(we realized we had to discipline ourselves a bit more so we could make readers out of these kiddos)! Anyhow, even though that coffee shop was well within walking distance, we grabbed a taxi as soon as the opportunity presented itself since I still wasn't felling top shape!
Our breakfast was delicious and so were our drinks!
With full tummies, we decided to visit the Art in Paradise museum that was a few blocks from our house and that we had kept on our “spur of the moment” list for such an occasion.
Walking there from the restaurant, we passed a tourist info booth(of course) and the lady started chatting with us in pretty decent english and then, to our great surprise, in french! She offered us to buy our tickets for the museum at her booth, promising we would be saving a few Baht...and we did!
The museum was a wonderful surprise as we really had zero expectations going in! The older kids had a blast, understanding way better than the younger ones the concept of 3D animation... we had to try our best to get the younger ones to cooperate to take the appropriate poses for the short films or to create the wanted effect for the photos but all in all, it was a super fun way to spend Valentine’s Day!
On our walk back home, our taxi driver from our Doi Ithanon trip walked up to us and handed me Norah’s sweater that we somehow had forgotten in the back of his pick up... we hadn’t even realized it yet, but were pretty glad we had it back as we are nearing the end of this trip and our going back to below zero temperatures is coming soon enough and with us packing light this was her only “cold weather” clothes...
We had promised the kids a chocolate fondue, our little Valentine Day’s family tradition, so we stopped at a 7 eleven to buy a few chocolate bars and then bought a couple of fruits and vegetables at the corner market... from one seller we bought bananas, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers for 45 Bath(not even 2$). We looked at each other wandering if we had heard right, the lady even wrote down the amount so we were sure to understand each other. I felt like I was in the IKEA commercial and wanted to start screaming: start the car, start the car, while running away!!!
When diner time came, Jeremie asked me what would make me happy, meaning what kind of food I wanted to eat(we’ve been together a little over 16 years...he knows me well...) I wanted Mexican food... the love of my life (after him of course ;p)!
He somehow managed to order fajitas, Mexican rice, refried beans, chicken nachos with sour cream, guacamole and salsa! We ate our Mexican feast and then our fondue and ended the day watching our short videos from the museum.
We laughed so hard when we stumbled on the 4 second clip of Finlay holding an umbrella and then kicking Keilan out of the frame leaving him fake crying his exit... we watched it on repeat so many times! It just represented the reality of life and kids and travelling so well for us! You can watch the video by clicking the link below:
Even though we had parted from that museum with fun little clips, we also had managed to capture the “behind the scenes” of the activity and that little clip will probably remain our favourite!
I felt compelled to tell you all who have been travelling with us and faithfully reading our adventures on this blog that as much as I try to be transparent and honest while sharing our adventures, I also do try to record the better moments of our travels.
The main purpose of this blog was to create a travel journal so that our family could look back on this trip with fond memories. But don’t let the pictures and the stories fool you... travelling with kids is a wonderful thing, and we feel truly blessed to be able to live this amazing adventure with our kiddos, but know that real life happens everywhere... and it looks and feels the same wether your in your kitchen, in your house, in your neighbourhood or on the other end of the world! That is why at the end of it all, what we are most striving for is connection of the heart over picture perfect moments, something that can be done wherever we are!